Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Free books!

This morning Nyron attended the Random House preview. Not only does this give him information about the hot new books that haven't hit the shelves yet, he also gets to take heaps of free books home with him; and the home to which he chose to deliver them, was mine. : )

He brought over 12 books, including the only copy of Salman Rushdie's new book, Shalimar the Clown, that was offered. I have a bookcrossing bookring book that I have a month to read before I have to mail it off again and the Diana Wynne Jones Chrestomanci series that Nyron is insisting I read so that we can chat about it, but once I've done those I can't wait to dig in to these advanced copies.

o( )__


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Divinity said...

I like the Crestomanci series too. Not the main characters particularly but definitely the title dude. He's like a distracted Willy Wonka/Dumbledore. And he's always so nicely dressed...

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nyron just became extra cool for being able to get advance copies of books! SO appropriate that you found someone who could do that. ^_^


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