Saturday, August 20, 2005

Who would steal a recycle bin, honestly?!

I am a very organized person. I like there to be an easily recognized place for everything to live in. This is why I am very particular about having 3 recycle bins on my front porch: one for paper, one for glass/plastic, one for aluminum. I know they probably all get mixed up in the truck anyway, but what if they don't? Anyway, I'm an eighties child; I was taught to seperate my recyclables.

Which is part of the reason why I'm so ticked off. I mean, who steals a recycle bin?! A full recycle bin at that! In order to take it they had to dump all the glass and plastic out of it into the aluminum bin. It's not like these are hard to get, the city wants everyone to have them, so why do people have to steal mine? I knew the last time this happened (oh yes, this isn't the first time) that I should have written my address on it in big black marker. ARGH!

Oh well, what it really comes down to is that this isn't my house anymore, so it really doens't matter. I'm going to go eat some left-over Chinese take-away with Nyron. Yum.

o( )__


At 7:16 PM, Blogger Divinity said...

A more drawn-out and bureaucratic, but bin-related saga is recounted by my brother's Mass Communications prof here:

As un-funny as it really is, it made me laugh...

At 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recycling bins are communal property, like ketchup or cable TV. Just steal your neighbours, and the process will move across Etobicoke like a Mexican wave.

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with people stealing bins lately? One of ours is gone too... the hell???



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