Thursday, January 12, 2006

Where have all the snowflakes gone?

Is anyone else as bothered as I am about the weather? Probably not. The teachers at my school are thrilled that it's so "nice and warm". I find it rather forboding. It's January. It should be snowing. Full stop.

I've been actively working on my New Year's Resolutions the last few weeks. So far I'm off to a good start, at a good pace (don't want to burn myself out before March). I have two resolutions I'm working on;

1) Start my home business that I've been dreaming about for years now. Spirit Eyes Designs (let me know what you think of the name) will sell hand-made home decor products made with reclaimed materials. I plan to set up a website and sell them in some local stores as well.

2) Slow down. It's amazing how quickly I've fallen into the "must get everthing done right now Oh My God I'm so behind!!!" mentality at work. I rush around like my belt is on fire and return home to tired to even cook dinner. This was rather inevitable since I was the only one working front desk for about a month and literally did have to do everything single-handedly. But now we have a new girl with me at the desk and it's taking a lot of the load off. I'm also making a decided effort not to freak out and rush to get everything done. After all, the students can wait! If it takes me a little extra time to do one thing or the other, it's not the end of the world. If I have to be strict about rules like "Only sign up for events during the break periods" in order to get work done, then that's what I have to do. It's not the end of their world or mine to make them wait a little or to take my time and do things calmly. It's certailny worth my sanity!

o( )__


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